Welcome to EleV8 Aviation
Specialists in Aircraft Sustainment


Since 2008 EleV8 Aviation has collaborated with numerous companies to achieve customer requirements during often complex and novel projects. These include, Musketeer Solutions and [dstl].

Collaboration Portfolio


EleV8 Aviation Principal Engineer Mark Wilson, is a highly experienced Chartered Engineer in both civil and military aerospace sectors, specialising in consultancy services for Safety and Support Engineering, aircraft Physical Condition Surveys (PCS) and Zonal Hazard Analysis (ZHA).
About us

Aurora EDP

EDP Provider Network – being part of EDP:
We are continuing to consolidate our industry-leading position in EleV8 Aviation as an approved member of the Provider Network within the Engineering Delivery Partner (EDP) service. This pioneering and transformational service is demonstrating the far-reaching benefits of effective collaboration in helping to drive innovation, efficiencies and performance benefits for DE&S and the wider MOD community.
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Our Sustainment Capability

Ageing Aircraft Programmes

We have extensive experience in the scoping and conduct of Ageing Aircraft Programmes
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Zonal Hazard Analysis

EleV8 Aviation has developed and applied Zonal Hazard Analysis methodology on the majority of UK MoD legacy aircraft 
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Physical Condition Surveys

EleV8 Aviation has developed and applied Physical Condition Surveys methodology to a wide range of UK MoD legacy aircraft 
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Air System Document Set Digitisation

EleV8 Aviation have led complex and innovative projects which transform legacy aircraft technical documentation, into a contemporary standard suite of manuals.
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Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Engineering

We have conducted numerous RM&S projects in both the civil and military sectors.
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